Prof. Remco Kort officially appointed Micropia professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

On Friday 27 October, ARTIS-Micropia, Remco Kort and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) signed an agreement to formalise their partnership. – Nov. 1, 2017

Remco Kort, who teaches at the VU, and Micropia have worked together for quite some time. With the signing of the agreement, professor Kort’s work on behalf of Micropia has officially become part of his professorship at the VU.

This is in keeping with the mission shared by the VU and Micropia: to close the gap between the scientific community and the general public, and to introduce microbiology to a wide audience. Professor Kort has served in an advisory capacity at the microbe museum for 11 years. He was involved in its foundation and gives lectures on microbiology, among other tasks.

About Remco Kort

Remco Kort is a microbiologist, a researcher at TNO and a professor of Microbial Genomics at the VU. Each and every day, he studies the invisible life of micro-organisms. In September, he presented his book De microbemens (Humans and microbes) in Micropia.

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Bottom row, L to R: Dean of the Faculty of Sciences Prof. Guus Schreiber, former ARTIS director Haig Balian and ARTIS director Rembrandt Sutorius

Top row, L to R: Prof. Holger Lill, Micropia professor Remco Kort, Professor of Molecular Cell Physiology Hans Westerhoff


Micropia is the only museum on earth that reveals the invisible world of micro-organisms. Every human being carries with them some 1.5 kilos of microbes. Micropia aims to create interest among the general public for these smallest and most successful organisms on Earth. In addition to a museum, Micropia is also a platform, a link between the scientific community and the public. It provides information on current issues, the importance of microbes and the possibilities they offer for people and nature. To that end, Micropia uses its museum, activities and website to connect scientists, politicians, businesses, students, pupils, journalists and interested individuals.